University of Naples Federico II
Alessio Cimmino
Department of Chemical Sciences
Associate Professor of organic chemistry since October 2018, he has acquired over 15 years of experience mainly in organic chemistry, spectroscopy and hemisynthesis of bioactive metabolites produced by phytopathogenic and antagonistic fungi and bacteria and plants using advanced spectroscopic and chemical methods. In 2010 he has got a three years post-Doc position “Juan de la Cierva” at the Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, CSIC, Cordoba, Spain. In 2012 he has got a position of fixed term researcher of organic chemistry (art. 24 comma 3 a and 3 b, L. 240/10) at University of Naples Federico II.
He is co-author of 189 scientific publications in the international journals and 80 communications at national and international congresses. h index 30. Citations 3400.