University of Naples Federico II

Luigi Paduano

Department of Chemical Sciences

Luigi Paduano is full professor of Physical Chemistry and holder of the courses “Physical Chemistry I” and “Physical Chemistry of Formulations” and “Chemical Kinetics” at the University of Naples “Federico II”. Luigi Paduano is co-author of 180 publications and 3 patents.
He has been a researcher at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (California), at the Texas Christian University (Texas) and visiting scientist at the ISIS laboratories of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK). He has been a member of the biology commission for the evaluation of access projects to the instruments of the MLZ Garching (DE). Since 2016 he has been Deputy Director of the Department of Chemical Sciences. Since 2001 he carries out periodic and continuous research activities as PI (Principal Investigator) within TMR/Large Scale Facilities programs.
His research activity is aimed at the study of amphiphilic systems, gels and microgels formed but natural and synthetic macromolecules.

Natural surfactants
light scattering
neutron scattering